It's Christmas Eve and we've had a busy day of running errands, grocery shopping and getting ready for the traditional Christmas Eve grazing with family and friends. Harley and Elyse, friends of Joy and Sach are coming over with their daughter Daffney.
Earlier in the day it was time to start making Sweet Rolls, part of our traditional Christmas morning breakfast. This year Uma got to help.
For several years Chris helped Cathy, but this year Uma stepped in to learn the tradition.
She learned about adding lots of raisins.
And that it's important to dig to the bottom of the container.
Uma works at critical placement for maximum flavor enhancement! Once the right amount of raisins have been added, the sweet rolls are "rolled up" and stored in the garage, where it is cool but not freezing, till morning.
There are already a few presents around the Christmas tree in the front living room.
A nice fire is blazing in the fireplace.
It's time to start cooking the beef satays, one of many delightful things to eat this evening. It's my job to cook them and yes the temperature is in single digits. But you can't let that stop you from cooking on the grill! With the grill lid down during most of the cooking, they turn out great.
The dining room table it starting to get full. There are fine cheeses, mussels and pommes frites that Chris made, the beef satays I grilled, chilled shrimp, baked brie, chestnuts wrapped in bacon, latkes, smoked salmon and home made humus. I'm sure I'm forgetting something Everything was delicious.
Uma and Sach head outside briefly. When they picked out their Christmas tree, Uma got to put together a bag of Reindeer Food to leave outside for Rudolph and the other reindeer to munch on while Santa was leaving presents inside.
Uma found a good spot and dumped out the contents.
Now Rudolph and the other reindeer will have a nice snack.
The reindeer all taken care of, Uma learns about leaving milk and cookies for Santa. One of the cookies left for Santa was one she decorated herself.
There are questions about how Santa will get down the chimney with the fire going, but once reassured, Uma is ready to head upstairs to bed.
It's exciting to watch Uma. She is so delightful.