Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Is Getting Close

Yesterday Chris arrived in the evening and Cathy and I picked him up from the airport.  Dan and Nancy drove in and completed the trip in a few hours less than we did.  They live a couple hours closer so that helps and they didn't have the heavy snow at times like we did, but they still had some icy conditions.

It's bright and sunny today but still right around zero outside.  Lucky for us we don't have anywhere to go.

Uma and Ani are up and Chris is getting some time with both of them.  They were asleep last night when he got in so this is their first visit.


Uma is dressed and checking out the stockings.


The next picture shows all the stockings better.  There are too many to hang by the fireplace so this spot works well.  Above, Uma's stocking is on the left with the snowman.


You can see Uma's stocking better in this photo and just to the left is Ani's new stocking.  One of the stockings (mine) will play the Frosty the Snowman tune if you squeeze the toe.  Uma is having fun showing her mom.

Dan and Nancy brought a retro kitchen for Uma and it has about 400 little pieces to put together.  It's a good thing we are getting a head start on assembly.


That's Dan and I working on it while Uma takes her afternoon nap.  We still have a long way to go!

Meanwhile in the other room, Cathy is busy pondering the assembly of our gift, an art easel.


Cathy reads the directions while Joy is making a shopping list on her iPhone.


Uma is awake from her nap and Nancy spends some reading time with her.


After awhile Ani joins them and Nancy reads to both of them.  Nancy was a good story reader and Uma brought her several books to read.