Not the day... the Cat.
Albeit, today is Wednesday, it gives me pause to remember that it is a day or two past one year since our kitty cat, Wednesday, last graced us with her meows.

A cat was Joy's birthday wish for her 13th birthday. What was that??? 1991?
Joy anointed her new kitty with the name Wednesday. Although I believe it was a Sunday when we all went to pick up her gift, the name Wednesday (I think) comes from the Adams Family movie that was also out that same year.
The above picture is actually one of my first test photos of my new Canon digital camera in February 2005. Wednesday was sitting on the back of the sofa in the front living room looking out the window watching the snow fall.

(Cira Sept 2005)
Wednesday loved to sit at the back door looking outside. Although she was strictly an indoor cat, when she was younger she always wanted to go outside and often tried to dart out whenever the door was opened. As she grew older, she was content to sit and watch the events happening outside.
In the above photo, Wednesday is watching through the back screen door screen as Cathy and I are getting ready to enjoy snacks and a glass of wine on the back porch.

(Cira Nov 2005)
Wednesday lying on the rug in front of the fireplace in the front living room enjoying the warmth from the fire.
One of her favorite pastimes.

(Cira July 2007)
Wednesday lived with us for almost 16 years.
As an older pet she presented us with some problems and challenges in her final months, but her personality, spunk and presence in our lives will always be remembered as pawprints left on our heart.
Today, we remember Wednesday.