On Sunday morning I looked out the kitchen window and saw a chipmunk sitting on the hose caddy hanging off the front porch. He's hard to see, but notice the lack of snow!

Here's a close-up of the cute guy. Again, no snow.

As I went to bed Sunday evening it was raining lightly with a little snow mixed in. Forecast for Monday was also for a some snow mixed with rain.
Monday morning it looked like this...

More than just a little snow mixed with some rain. Most of the trees have lost their leaves, but some still have some.

It snowed about 4 inches or so here. Enough to really mess up traffic. The funny thing about this snow was how isolated it was. Once I was on the freeway heading to work and about 6 miles down the road, there was no snow on the ground! It was wet from some rain, but no snow!
In fact as I got to work and was driving down the a side street, some people were out raking up their leaves! It was dry. Our leaves were sitting under a fresh snowfall.
Today, the snow is still hanging around even though the temperature is 48 degrees. It is melting and all the roads are clear and dry but I can't rake my leaves today.

Maybe I can get those leaves up next week. We'll see.