Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Twin Cities Marathon - Go Chris Go!
The best part is that the marathon course will take him within a couple of blocks of US! Right around mile 3 and a half or so. You can see the course here.
It will be nice to stroll over and watch him run by. Then of course we will jump in the car and try to catch him again a couple more times along the course.
This is Chris in the Boston Marathon this past April. We went and cheered him along. Here he is slowing enough to shed clothing as he passes us. (Click on the photo to enlarge.)
Our mantra is "Go Chris Go!" as he runs by. Cathy sewed the letters on the shirt that he is wearing so other people all along the course would yell the same thing as well and encourage him. We're looking forward to cheering him along.
The Twin Cities Marathon bills it's self as "The Most Beautiful Urban Marathon in America".
Go Chris Go!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Fall Is Coming
I thought it was pretty.
As I was looking around for some more fall color, I thought I saw some in the back yard. As I walked up to the crab apple tree I realized the yellow color I was seeing from far away was actually the fruit ripening.
The crab apple tree is just left of center in the fore ground, just in front of the grapes. (By the way, that's horseradish in the lower right corner. We'll have some fun with that around Thanksgiving.)
We don't do anything with the crab apples. The little critters get them all to themselves. I understand, however, that they are good to add to apple cider for a little extra zip and also serve as pollinizers in apple orchards.
Aren't you glad you asked?
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Mr. Chain Saw
About two weeks ago, hurricane Ike blew through Ohio and caused some problems. Numerous areas were hit pretty hard. Four people I work with at the studio lost electrical power for up to five days. They lost all their food in their refrigerators and freezers. (In case you don't know... Ohio was the second hardest hit state behind Texas from hurricane Ike.) It's true. I believe that 84 of the 88 counties in Ohio were declared Disaster Areas by the governor...
Here on the North Coast of Ohio, however, we were spared any real hardships. There were tree branches blown down and our neighbors had a tree blown over, but no power losses. As a result of the storm, our neighbors had some tree work done this week and they asked me this morning if I wanted any of the wood. Since we have lots of campfires, I said "Yes."
Before you can do anything, you need breakfast! (Just so Cathy knows I'm not eating Pop Tarts or ice cream for breakfast...)
Scrambled eggs, bacon and toasted English muffins. Raspberry jam on the side, of course.
After breakfast, here is the situation I faced.
Tree branches cut up and stacked around the trees in our neighbor's front yard. You can see my trusty lawn tractor and cart in the background, ready for action.
Once filled, it was off to the back campsite area for storage. I made six trips with the cart full.
I hauled all the cut up wood back to the campsite as well as some bigger pieces that needed Mr. Chain Saw!
This is where the wood goes.
Job completed!
Below is our camp site with the wood from our neighbor's (that was already cut up) stacked up. Of course, you have to have a camp fire while you are out at the campsite.
As I was packing up things and heading to the house... I noticed there were STILL some blueberries on the bushes. This of course advances the "All Time Record" to almost October!!
Ralph was with me most of the day. She doesn't like the chainsaw, but she does like eating blueberries.
Since I started off the day with breakfast, lets end it with dinner. Grilled tuna, (2 minutes each side.) There is also some grilled zucchini and whole grain rice. The tomatoes are from our garden with fresh mozzarella, basil and balsamic vinegar. YUM!
Alas, Ralph is a tired puppy, as I am! Ralph is sleeping, and I'm ready for bed as well.
Good nite!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Hi Mom!
The Cable Guy
No, not Jim Carrey or even Larry, but Dave, the cable guy from Time Warner. Our internet service is provided by our cable company and recently, it has been spotty at best. So I called for service and they came last week and said they needed to replace the cable from the street to the house. Dave came today to replace it.
Here's Dave at the front corner of the house checking things out. He agreed it definitely needed replacing.
After Dave cut away the old cable, he ran new from the street and made the final connections. It's a long run to the street. Over 125'. If you click on the photo to enlarge it, you can see the new cable arching out to the street.
Here's Dave. job complete and bringing his ladder back and the old cable he cut away. He said it was spliced together in three spots and had different sizes of wire mixed together. Good job Dave. Thanks for the service and hopefully our internet will be more reliable.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Friday Night Date Night
Tonight, Ralph and I worked on getting the computer back to a more healthy status. I mostly worked on the computer and Ralph lay at my feet while I rebooted the computer about two dozen times trying to coax it back to life. At this point it looks like the patient might recover. I was prepared to reinstall the operating system, but a few updates and patches and things seem to be pretty good.
Apart from that, the Presidential Debate is going on in the next room and I am listening with one ear in that direction.
Tomorrow after work, I will do some more testing on the computer and see if there has been a full recovery.
Next Friday night, however, will be Date Night in Minneapolis! I'll be looking forward to it.
Till then, sleep well.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
My Computer's Sick
No go.
No internet. No email. No news.
But tonight I was able to coax Windows into Safe Mode and make some progress. We're not 100% but at least I'm able to make this post and then it's off to bed.
Maybe tomorrow will be better.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Red In The Face
For the last couple of weeks our computer monitor has been loosing it's great color and picked up a slight red tint. This past Sunday something let loose and now everything is really red.
You can see from this photo that my desktop wallpaper-photo of Uma makes her really "Red in the Face."
So, I've got to do something about this. I need a new monitor! I mean, I really need a new monitor. So it's Sunday and I've got a million things to do since I'm playing "Domestic Diva" and wishing I could be outside mowing the grass ("playing" as Cathy would say because I loooooove to mow the grass. I mean.... come on..... I get to be outside!)
So I shop online and find some possible contenders and dash out to the stores and look at them as well as grocery shop and drop off stuff at the library. I find one that will work and bring it home. Sweet!
Let me back up and review some of my computer history. I started using computers at home in the 1980's with a Commodore 64 (even before Apple!) and it had a 12" monochromatic green screen with orange letters. (Orange was suppose to be better on the eyes than white, which was standard at the time.)
In 1993 when I bought my first PC, 14" color screens were the norm, but I upgraded to the 15" to be "cutting edge". When that died in 2001 I looked around and settled on a 19" screen, even though 21" was available for a premium price. I still remember Cathy commenting on "How big" that 19" screen was.
Those old monitors were all CRT monitors (cathode ray tubes - the same as TV's were.) My new monitor is LCD. Here's a photo of old and new side by side. (The new one is on the left, in case you needed to know that.)
The new monitor is 22" (measured diagonally, as they say.) The monitor I use at work is 24" and it is not uncommon for photographers to use 30' screens in their business. They, of course, cost a lot more than my monitor, which was on sale by the way. But I'm very happy with our new monitor. Here's a photo of it.
It's great. I really like it, and guess what... It's made by LG! The same people who make our washer and dryer!
The best part, however, is that once again Uma looks marvelous!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Corn Maize
Don't know how long it is or how they find you if you get lost, but I'm sure it's fun.
(You do know that's an aerial photo of a corn field that is over 6 feet tall? And that is a path cut through the field?)
Just checking.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sleeping On Clean Sheets
This is Cathy's favorite way to dry the sheets. Almost any wash day when it's not raining or below 40-some degrees, she will hang the sheets outside to dry.
I followed her lead on Sunday when I did the laundry. After all, I like that great outdoors smell in the sheets too!
Speaking of sheets, it's time for bed. I have to get up way before the sun rises so I can be at work at 6:30 AM. We have another school to photograph tomorrow and Wednesday.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Happy Sunday
Sach sent a new photo of Anika. She is so beautiful.
Cathy reports that Uma is talking up a storm and in fact I got three phone calls this morning and got to speak with Uma each time. Uma knows all about cell phones and loves to push the buttons. Now she didn't actually call me herself any of those times but she was happy to talk each time. In fact, on the last call I heard her say,
"Daddy. I'm talking on the phone."
She said that to Sach when he entered the room where she and Cathy were. I'm sure Sach will hear that same thing for many years to come.
Hope your Sunday was good.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The Star of the North
She will be there for two weeks and then I will join her for a long weekend. She is anxious to see everyone and hold both of the grandkids.
Meanwhile I get to go to work and then photograph a homecoming dance tonight.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Shiver Me Timbers - It's Talk Like A Pirate Day
Today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day so brush up on yer Pirate speak and see if your friends or co-workers know what's going on or think you've gone daft.
In case you need a quick refresher course, this video will give you a start.
Take this quiz and see if you're ready to be Captain or Cabin Boy!
If you are still reading this and need some pick up lines tonight while drinking your grog...
Top Ten Pickup lines for use on International Talk Like a Pirate Day
10 . Avast, me proud beauty! Wanna know why my Roger is so Jolly?
9. Have ya ever met a man with a real yardarm?
8. Come on up and see me urchins.
7. Yes, that is a hornpipe in my pocket and I am happy to see you.
6. I'd love to drop anchor in your lagoon.
5. Pardon me, but would ya mind if fired me cannon through your porthole?
4. How'd you like to scrape the barnacles off of me rudder?
3. Ya know, darlin’, I’m 97 percent chum free.
2. Well blow me down?
And the number one pickup line for use on International Talk Like a Pirate Day is …
1. Prepare to be boarded.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
What Are You Reading?
I'm a big fan of Silva and have read most of his books. This is an earlier novel and does not contain his hero from his more recent books, Gabriel Allon. All of his books so far have been top notch.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Anika Bhardwaj
Joy in Labor
Sach called Cathy at work today about 11:30 AM to report that Joy has gone into labor and they are at the hospital.
Stand by...
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A teetotaler is seated next to a rock star on a flight to Ohio. After the plane takes off, the musician orders a whiskey and soda.
"And the same for you?" the flight attendant asks the teetotaler.
"I'd rather be tied up and ravaged by crazed women than let liquor touch my lips," he snorts.
"Here," says the rocker, handing back his drink. "I didn't know we had a choice."
Monday, September 15, 2008
Here on the North Coast of Ohio lime trees don't do too well, at least planted in the backyard. We still have a lime tree, however. For Mother's Day 2007 Joy and Sach sent Cathy a Key Lime tree via Harry and David. The tree is small enough that I can move it outside for the warmer months and back inside for the winter. We haven't gotten any fruit yet, but it's trying. It's flowering right now and if we get lucky and a bee with the right kind of pollen passes by we might get a few little key limes.
On the back porch steps.
Little buds flowering. "Come here little bee."
If we do, it will definitely be Tanqueray time!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Harvest Time
Lots of tomatoes. We had some high 40 degree temps last week at night and the tomato plants do not like that at all. They start to drop the ripest fruits and the leaves start to die off. (Yes, tomatoes are a fruit and not a veggie!)
First of two 5 gallon buckets picked today.
Ralph, who is camera shy, keeps an eye on the tomatoes. She is such a good dog! She likes tomatoes and I give her a couple of the cherry tomatoes while I am picking. But not too many of course, and she never goes into the garden to forage for herself.
Tomatoes go into the sink to wash off whatever dirt or bugs or muck sticks to them. There are no pesticides to wash off because nothing is ever applied to them. Only some grass clippings to keep the weeds in check,
Once washed, they await the boiling water bath.
Here after 30 seconds, the skin starts to blister and they can be prepared for canning.
They going to cold water in the sink and the Cathy removes the skin and cores them and stuffs them into the jar in the background.
They get stuff in and squished together till they are about a half inch from the top.
Once filled, salt is added and then the jars are sealed.
They are then placed in a water bath of boiling water for 45 minutes.
When the time is up, they get lifted out and set on a wooden cutting board to cool.
It's interesting that when the tomatoes are stuffed into the canning jars, they sit on the bottom, however, after the canning process they rise to the top as a result of the vacuum process. Nothing but salt has been added to the tomatoes, so what you are seeing here is just the water that was present in the tomatoes when picked. About 2 hours after picking, the first batch is canned and cooling.
This is today's results. 19 quarts of home grown Roma tomatoes, canned and ready for use sometime in the future. Some snowy day when there are no tomato plants anywhere in site. When comfort food calls you. Tomato sauce over anything. It brings back some of the smells and tastes of summer.
These tomatoes came from ten plants. There are probably enough tomatoes still ripening for about two more canings. We'll see how it goes.
That's it for tonight. (I think I set a record for pictures.)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Salade Nicoise
Getting ready to go.
The potatoes mixed with the vinaigrette.
The green beans go in ice water to stop the cooking and leave them crunchy.
This photo is from our first preparation and we made it on a large platter like the directions say.
Tonight we simply assembled individual servings.
Here's tonight's wine choice. Now you can make it yourself.
>Prepare all of the vegetables before you begin cooking the potatoes and this salad will come together very easily. The classic garnish of tiny, briny, piquant Niçoise olives is a hallmark of salade Niçoise. If they're not available, substitute another small, black, brined olive (do not use canned olives). Anchovies are another classic garnish, but they met with mixed reviews from our tasters, so they are optional. If you cannot find tuna packed in olive oil, substitute water-packed solid white tuna, not tuna packed in vegetable oil. (Among water-packed tunas, StarKist solid white took top honors in our tasting of 10 leading brands.) Compose the salad on your largest, widest, flattest serving platter. Do not blanket the bed of lettuce with the other ingredients; leave some space between the mounds of potatoes, tomatoes and onions, and beans so that leaves of lettuce peek through.
1/2 cup lemon juice from 2 or 3 lemons
3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 medium shallot , minced (about 3 tablespoons)
1 tablespoon minced fresh thyme leaves
2 tablespoons minced fresh basil leaves
2 teaspoons minced fresh oregano leaves
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
Table salt and ground black pepper
4 large eggs
10 small new red potatoes (each about 2 inches in diameter, about 1 1/4 pounds total), each potato scrubbed and quartered
Table salt and ground black pepper
2 tablespoons dry vermouth
2 medium heads Boston lettuce or Bibb lettuce, leaves washed, dried, and torn into bite-sized pieces (about 8 cups loosely packed)
2 (6-ounce) cans olive-oil packed tuna , drained
3 small vine-ripened tomatoes (about 14 ounces), each cored and cut into eighths
1 small red onion (about 4 ounces), sliced very thin
8 ounces green beans , stem ends trimmed and each bean halved crosswise
1/4 cup niçoise olives
10 - 12 anchovy fillets (optional)
2 tablespoons capers , rinsed (optional)
1. For the vinaigrette: Whisk lemon juice, oil, shallot, thyme, basil, oregano, and mustard in medium bowl; season to taste with salt and pepper and set aside.
2. For the salad: Place eggs in small saucepan, cover by 1 inch with cold water, and bring to boil over high heat. Remove pan from heat, cover, and let stand 10 minutes. Meanwhile, fill medium bowl with 1 quart water and 1 tray ice cubes. With slotted spoon, transfer eggs to ice water; let stand 5 minutes. Peel eggs and quarter lengthwise; set aside (reserve ice water).
3. Meanwhile, bring potatoes and 4 quarts cold water to boil in large Dutch oven or stockpot over high heat. Add 1 tablespoon salt and cook until potatoes are tender when poked with paring knife, 5 to 8 minutes. With slotted spoon, gently transfer potatoes to medium bowl (do not discard boiling water). Toss warm potatoes with vermouth and salt and pepper to taste; let stand 1 minute. Toss in 1/4 cup vinaigrette; set aside.
4. While potatoes cook, toss lettuce with 1/4 cup vinaigrette in large bowl until coated. Arrange bed of lettuce on very large, flat serving platter. Place tuna in now-empty bowl and break up with fork. Add 1/2 cup vinaigrette and stir to combine; mound tuna in center of lettuce. Toss tomatoes, red onion, 3 tablespoons vinaigrette, and salt and pepper to taste in now-empty bowl; arrange tomato-onion mixture in mound at edge of lettuce bed. Arrange reserved potatoes in separate mound at edge of lettuce bed.
5. Return water to boil; add 1 tablespoon salt and green beans. Cook until tender but crisp, 3 to 5 minutes. Drain beans, transfer to reserved ice water, and let stand until just cool, about 30 seconds; dry beans well on triple layer of paper towels. Toss beans, 3 tablespoons vinaigrette, and salt and pepper to taste in now-empty bowl; arrange in separate mound at edge of lettuce bed.
6. Arrange reserved eggs, olives, and anchovies (if using) in separate mounds at edge of lettuce bed. Drizzle eggs with remaining 2 tablespoons dressing, sprinkle entire salad with capers (if using), and serve immediately.