Monday, September 15, 2008


A week or so ago my brother, Charlie mentioned that was planning a gin taste test and that as a result he was considering planting a lime tree in his backyard. He can do those kinds of things because he lives in California and I suspect it's easy to grow lime trees.

Here on the North Coast of Ohio lime trees don't do too well, at least planted in the backyard. We still have a lime tree, however. For Mother's Day 2007 Joy and Sach sent Cathy a Key Lime tree via Harry and David. The tree is small enough that I can move it outside for the warmer months and back inside for the winter. We haven't gotten any fruit yet, but it's trying. It's flowering right now and if we get lucky and a bee with the right kind of pollen passes by we might get a few little key limes.

On the back porch steps.

Little buds flowering. "Come here little bee."

If we do, it will definitely be Tanqueray time!