For the last couple of weeks our computer monitor has been loosing it's great color and picked up a slight red tint. This past Sunday something let loose and now everything is really red.

You can see from this photo that my desktop wallpaper-photo of Uma makes her really "Red in the Face."
So, I've got to do something about this. I need a new monitor! I mean, I really need a new monitor. So it's Sunday and I've got a million things to do since I'm playing "Domestic Diva" and wishing I could be outside mowing the grass ("playing" as Cathy would say because I loooooove to mow the grass. I mean.... come on..... I get to be outside!)
So I shop online and find some possible contenders and dash out to the stores and look at them as well as grocery shop and drop off stuff at the library. I find one that will work and bring it home. Sweet!
Let me back up and review some of my computer history. I started using computers at home in the 1980's with a Commodore 64 (even before Apple!) and it had a 12" monochromatic green screen with orange letters. (Orange was suppose to be better on the eyes than white, which was standard at the time.)
In 1993 when I bought my first PC, 14" color screens were the norm, but I upgraded to the 15" to be "cutting edge". When that died in 2001 I looked around and settled on a 19" screen, even though 21" was available for a premium price. I still remember Cathy commenting on "How big" that 19" screen was.
Those old monitors were all CRT monitors (cathode ray tubes - the same as TV's were.) My new monitor is LCD. Here's a photo of old and new side by side. (The new one is on the left, in case you needed to know that.)

The new monitor is 22" (measured diagonally, as they say.) The monitor I use at work is 24" and it is not uncommon for photographers to use 30' screens in their business. They, of course, cost a lot more than my monitor, which was on sale by the way. But I'm very happy with our new monitor. Here's a photo of it.

It's great. I really like it, and guess what... It's made by LG! The same people who make our washer and dryer!
The best part, however, is that once again Uma looks marvelous!