About two weeks ago, hurricane Ike blew through Ohio and caused some problems. Numerous areas were hit pretty hard. Four people I work with at the studio lost electrical power for up to five days. They lost all their food in their refrigerators and freezers. (In case you don't know... Ohio was the second hardest hit state behind Texas from hurricane Ike.) It's true. I believe that 84 of the 88 counties in Ohio were declared Disaster Areas by the governor...
Here on the North Coast of Ohio, however, we were spared any real hardships. There were tree branches blown down and our neighbors had a tree blown over, but no power losses. As a result of the storm, our neighbors had some tree work done this week and they asked me this morning if I wanted any of the wood. Since we have lots of campfires, I said "Yes."
Before you can do anything, you need breakfast! (Just so Cathy knows I'm not eating Pop Tarts or ice cream for breakfast...)

Scrambled eggs, bacon and toasted English muffins. Raspberry jam on the side, of course.
After breakfast, here is the situation I faced.

Tree branches cut up and stacked around the trees in our neighbor's front yard. You can see my trusty lawn tractor and cart in the background, ready for action.

Once filled, it was off to the back campsite area for storage. I made six trips with the cart full.

I hauled all the cut up wood back to the campsite as well as some bigger pieces that needed Mr. Chain Saw!

This is where the wood goes.

Job completed!
Below is our camp site with the wood from our neighbor's (that was already cut up) stacked up. Of course, you have to have a camp fire while you are out at the campsite.

As I was packing up things and heading to the house... I noticed there were STILL some blueberries on the bushes. This of course advances the "All Time Record" to almost October!!

Ralph was with me most of the day. She doesn't like the chainsaw, but she does like eating blueberries.

Since I started off the day with breakfast, lets end it with dinner. Grilled tuna, (2 minutes each side.) There is also some grilled zucchini and whole grain rice. The tomatoes are from our garden with fresh mozzarella, basil and balsamic vinegar. YUM!

Alas, Ralph is a tired puppy, as I am! Ralph is sleeping, and I'm ready for bed as well.

Good nite!