Monday, September 29, 2008

Fall Is Coming

When I was outside with the Cable Guy on Saturday, I was wandering around the yard and noticed that there was a little bit of color starting to appear in the trees.

I thought it was pretty.

As I was looking around for some more fall color, I thought I saw some in the back yard. As I walked up to the crab apple tree I realized the yellow color I was seeing from far away was actually the fruit ripening.

The crab apple tree is just left of center in the fore ground, just in front of the grapes. (By the way, that's horseradish in the lower right corner. We'll have some fun with that around Thanksgiving.)

We don't do anything with the crab apples. The little critters get them all to themselves. I understand, however, that they are good to add to apple cider for a little extra zip and also serve as pollinizers in apple orchards.

Aren't you glad you asked?